Before work began

Weeding the edge

Digging out weeds and cutting the lower branches of the central oak tree

Cleared, tidied but not yet planted

Fresh soil was added, the edges were tidied and the two new sectors were planted

The six completed sections

A final few photographs

The history of the Crown Roundabout
In 2014 we decided that the Crown Roundabout was untidy and neglected and did not look attractive to people arriving from Botley and Waltham Chase. We decided that it needed to be dug out and replanted. We toyed with the idea of doing this ourselves. We then approached some local garden businesses for quotes. Hambrooks offered to do this free of charge in exchange for placing advertising boards there. They also agreed to maintain it for 5 years, then later for a further 5.
Over time the roundabout has become neglected so we approached Hambrooks this summer and they agreed to renovate it; weeding, pruning and replacing the dead shrubs.
The photos below show the original plantings in 2015